Hi All,
It is very surprising for me about this blog. You guys are simply rocking through sharing the information through a blog. It is my pleasure to contribute to this blog. I promise you guys that i'll share you a lot things with belongs to technical, personality development,current technologies and Job Opening. Actually, I contacted Pavan of your section to share some thing to you. Pavan and his team made me a contributor of this blog. Thank you once again.
I want to share some thing to you for your bright career,Now-a-days there is a tough competition for job,right .In order to get a good job you need to prove your talent .I suggest , one of the way to be well settled in your career.Nothing but do certification ,you can choose your own platform for your future,Just go through the certification procedure. My expectation is that your platform is JAVA, there is a Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer exam to do your certification.for this I am posting training material and some examples showing regular pattern of Questions in blogspot,form that you can know the details of this certification and what contents to be prepare for that certification , go through this URL: http://tipsntricks-agni.blogspot.in which will guide you the preparation for your certification and you can also gain knowledge on it and helps you to place in a better job.Take this as a advice because i want you all to be a successful persons in this competitive world.Just think of it.
One more point, I will be with you at any moment regarding this certification program and any other technical topics. Feel free to drop me a mail. awaiting for your quick response.
All The Best For Your Bright Career.
thanks and regards,
Talent Sprint
Ph: 9491520200
Email: agni2020@gmail.com